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New Moon Gone Bye! Did You Set Your Intentions!

Peaceful Tara

New Moon (Gone BYE)!  We are really late, but I am still feeling renewed.  So, here goes. 

New intentions or the renewal of your previous directed manifestations.  Which one doesn't matter,  I hope you felt the energy of hope, newness, and a birth of empowerment!   

I set my intentions with a new grid.  The original focus with additional goals, wishes, dreams.  I always add my pressures, of course with a separate chant to bind for a positive outcome.  But I also do something else.  I add a protection or a focus for someone other than myself.  Always.  It's a kind of tithing, in my mind.  To offer a prayer for others is just as important as giving money and time.  Energy work works! I feel that Gifting Positive Energy in my grid to others is cleansing for my soul.  

I placed each crystal on my Flower of Life grid with care and thought. It is an important part of MY RITUAL.  Everyones, I am sure.  Then I take a few minutes to meditate afterward.  And it may be an active meditation; as it was this last new moon.  I rode my bike.  It was twilight, a soft whispering wind was blowing, as if just for me.  It was extremely a spiritual 45 minutes for me.  Mindful of the beauty around me.  I felt renewed when I completed the ride.  Reborn. 

I highly recommend an active meditation.  If you are like me, the breathing, the feeling of center, combined with a solo activity, will be very uplifting.  

Anyway, that is this week's mindful musings.  I hope to become better at getting this blog out weekly in the future, but I am also very conscious of time and the universe.  It will happen when it's supposed to, as long as I am paying attention to what the universe is teaching me in my journey.  


Team Positive Energy

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