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New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon Intentions

I don't know about you, but my life is so busy now, the only way I realized we were at the beginning of the moon cycle, was a level of energy I felt.   And from what I understand from some pretty significant astrologers, yeah, it's par for a new moon in Scorpio!

The intentions that I have set are ongoing.  I discussed the methods I use for intentions in my last blog, located here if you are interested. 

This new moon I am adding a purpose for all of us through the holidays.  Praying that we may find love and peace in our holiday moments, and share with others a little joy for their holiday moments.  And that we remember to contribute to others, that are not as fortunate as ourselves.  

Be thankful for our opportunities, even if we are working our butts off to achieve all that we set out to accomplish! 

Sage your house, burn some sweetgrass , place your favorite crystals on your grids, or in critical places in your home for loving energy.  

Cultivate energy in your daily life.  I wear my chakra bracelets that I purchased from EnergyMuse  daily.  It's a little expensive, but I love their stuff, and I feel not only the quality but the power of anything I buy from them.  Heart and soul energy is just as crucial as crystal energy, I think.   I am thankful for the energy and the confidence I get from my chakra energy bracelets when they are on my wrist!  You will seldom see me without them. 

There are a lot of people that have beautiful crystal jewelry to share as well, I have many different sources so send me a note if you are looking for something unique as a gift for yourself or others, and I will supply some links.  Wearing crystal jewelry is a great way to get through your day.  Gives you a little control of the universal energy we all share.   Or check out our Guardian Angel Bracelet here that I sell from Energy Muse.  It's a beautiful Rutilated Quartz with a coin.  Angel mindfulness support on your wrist!

Blessings this week, don't overeat, and hug your loved ones!  Share something with a stranger.  And don't forget to set all those positive intentions! 

Love, Peace and Good Karma,

Team Positive Energy!

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